For a long time, I thought that nomadism was incompatible with artistic practice. Lack of luggage space and weight restrictions prevented me from taking with me the necessary equipment for the type of works that I was used to doing. If you add to this the fact that my life was based on a state of constant improvisation that prevented me from being able to decide with a certain margin what my next steps were going to be, the result was limiting: for several years my work was reduced to analogical photography shot with instant or disposable cameras, thinking that this was the only format compatible with my reality.

Then, the notebooks arrived. Pushed by the need to keep the creative muscle active and the desire to remember the experiences I had, I decided to start a series of works while being faithful to some very specific rules:
- The notebook has to be started and finished during the trip, being able to leave for later only the binding and certain elements that for practical reasons cannot be carried out while moving (such as inking drawings).
- With the exception of artistic material (pencils, inks, markers...) all the elements used must have been found at the place of the trip.
- The notebook, and not only its interior, has to become an artistic object. The cover, the binding and other elements must support this structure, confirming the value of its three-dimensionality.
The result of this project, still in progress, is a series of diaries that narrate the different trips that I take during the year. Composed of a heterogeneous set of drawings, photographs, text and elements found in situ, they combine the anecdotes lived during the journey with different artistic components that aspire to capture the essence of the place.
These are the notebooks I've made so far: